the LIST

Do I know you? One man's attempt at a lifelong head count. 

NOTE: If you think I might have a photo of you—most likely at least one great photo of you—don't be afraid to ask me to post it ( along with a brief entry about how I know you. And if I've met or known you but don't have any photo evidence, feel free to send along YOUR favorite photo of you. (I'm fascinated by what that slideshow might look like.)


31. bubbles taylor

Yucaipa, CA. Bubblicious. 2003

Yucaipa, CA. Bubblicious. 2003

I love this girl. Sister Julie's first baby girl. My niece Bubbles has been a ham from the get-go as these photos will attest. Her sweet, kooky spirit shines through in every frame. Now she's starting high school next year. How did this happen? Hope she loves these pictures as much as Uncle Bobby does. (If you don't, you'll let me know, right Bubbles?)